UPLINK Program

Welcome to the UPLINK (Uniting Peer Learning, Intergrating New Knowledge) After School Program. UPLINK is the result of a special initiative requested by Lieutenant Governor James Aiona. UPLINK is federally funded by the Department of Human Services and administered by the Department of Education.
The UPLINK program is for middle school students and is intended to be an educational fun program that will engage students in age appropriate activities. The Program will provide a safe and secure place for youth to ave opportunities to participate individually and in groups with other students as they take part in our program. 
The staff appreciates your support as we provide this program. This program is free to families, and we hope that you will encourage your children to attend. 
The program will start after school daily, with students reporting to the check in area for the UPLINKS program.The first session for the daily program will be devoted to teen pregnancy prevention and academic pursuits including homework, tutoring, reading and math activities. The second session will allow students opportunities to participate in activities such as sports, gardening, arts and crafts, cooking, and more. Students will be encouraged to use the program productively to complete school work and engage in interactive activities that will focus on self development, working cooperatively with others, setting goals, and making good choices.
The program will be under the oversight of the DOE. Many of the staff members will be DOE employees. Certain instances, however, may require hiring or accessing services from the community following all DOE protocols.
Activities ending at 5:15 P.M. Monday through Friday, a guardian, parent or other designated family member will be required to check students out by the end of the UPLINK program at 5:30 P.M.
  • To communicate to you core concepts of leadership development based on the 5 C's:
    1. Competence
    2. Confidence
    3. Character
    4. Connections
    5. Contribution 
  • To provide an after-school program environment that is supportive for all students
  • To provide opportunities for students to complete their homework each day and strengthen their academic standing
  • To strengthen the connections among the school, families and community
  • To provide opportunities for students to become physically fit
  • To provide opportunities for students to achieve and be recognized 
All students enrolled at Kohala Middle School are eligible to participate in the program. If for some unforeseen reason enrollment must be limited, no student will be discriminated against on the basis of religion, sex and ancestry. For those disabled students who are identified by their parents or are known by the UPLINK staff to have special needs, reasonable accommodations (as are necessary) may be made to afford the student an opportunity to participate. The UPLINK program is not part of the student's Individualized Education Program (IEP).
To request reasonable accommodations: 
  1. The parent makes the request to the site coordinator
  2. The Standard Request Form is completed to obtain information about the child and his/her needs
  3. The site coordinator and Principal discuss the request and make their recommendations to the District Superintendent
  4. The District Office will determine/approve if a special needs aide or other accommodation is required and will inform the UPLINK site coordinator and/or Principal. 
  5. The UPLINK site coordinator will follow appropriate procedures specified by the District Office
  6. The District's determination as to the disposition of each case shall be final.
When registering a student for the UPLINK program, parents/guardians will be asked to provide the following:
  • An UPLINK Registration Form giving background information on the student and naming persons authorized to pick the student up after school (Forms available in the school Office)
  • An emergency contact card
  • A registration agreement delineating program policies and expectations of parents and students, to be signed by parents/guardians before the student can be admitted to the UPLINK program
Kohala Middle School will participate in the evaluation of the after school program. This will include assisting with the collection of data from the school, parents, students, and teachers.
Programs will be evaluated based on the following:
  • Students' personal growth
  • Students' academic achievement
  • Students' avoidance of risky behaviors, including teen pregnancy
  • Students', parents' and teachers' assessments of the program