Kohala Community » Blue Zone Wellness Policy

Blue Zone Wellness Policy

Kohala Middle School Wellness Policy 
January 23, 2019

At Kohala Middle School, we believe that student wellness is connected to student achievement and success in school. These are the Blue Zones policies that we believe in and follow, which also align with the Board of Education (BOE) Wellness Policy and Department of Education (DOE) Wellness Guidelines:

  1. A Health and Wellness committee meets regularly at the school. (P1)
  2. KMS is a tobacco-free campus. (P2)
    ○ Chapter 31- Tobacco Free School System
  3. We do not use unhealthy foods for fundraisers.
  4. All foods served outside of school hours meet the USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards including after-school fundraisers, concession stands at sporting events, etc.
  5. It is not permitted to sell or consume soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages on campus, including those brought from home.
  6. The lunchroom is designed to nudge students into choosing healthier foods. (P6)
  7. Foods are not used as a reward. (P7)
    ○ DOE Wellness Guidelines (NG8)
  8. We do not permit unhealthy food and beverage (e.g. sodas, sweets, etc.) advertisements on school grounds. (P8)
    ○ DOE Wellness Guidelines (HE4)
  9. Our cafeteria equipment has been updated to support provision of healthier foods. (P9)
    ○ There is no deep fryer in the cafeteria.
  10. Students are physically active during the majority of time in physical education class. (P12)
    ○ Doe Wellness Guidelines (PE3)
  11. There are no vending machines on campus. (P15)
    ○ DOE Wellness Guidelines (NG2) 
  12. Students are not permitted to eat or drink anything but water in classrooms and hallways
  13. Physical activity is not used or withheld as a punishment. (P18)
    ○ DOE Wellness Guidelines (PA3)
  14. Birthdays and other events involving food are celebrated no more than once per month.
Kohala Middle School Wellness Coordinator:
Vice Principal Erika Blanco e-mail: [email protected]
For more information about the Blue Zones Project visit: https://hawaii.bluezonesproject.com
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